Saturday, August 18, 2007


Wow!! I'm moving in one week....can you believe it?? I sure can't!! I guess when something happens, it happens quickly. It's funny because I've been praying about getting a ministry job since January and nothing has worked out. Now, I have one and I'm moving in a week. It's insane!! But, I know that the Lord is in control and He will work out the know, the small ones like where I'm going to live, little stuff like that :o)

Right now, I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed with all that I need to do between now and then. Wanna hear? OK......

Sunday (tomorrow) -- Church, then a Stampin' Up! workshop
Monday -- nothing so far....planning on packing up my stamping stuff
Tuesday -- dinner with my co-workers at Texas Roadhouse
Wednesday -- Stampers Ten group
Thursday -- Church
Friday -- packing, HOPEFULLY...and then in the evening Mom and I are going to Shannon's to help get ready for the baby shower. We're having a sleepover!!
Saturday -- Shannon's baby shower in the AM and then I'm planning to spend the rest of the day getting my moving stuff finalized.
Sunday -- Church (of course!!) and then we're having a whole glob of people over for dinner. Mom is so good about letting us invite people over!!
Monday -- move.....!!!!!'s going to be a CRAZY week! But, everything will get done. It HAS to!!!

Oh's a little shout out to Uncle Doug. I just found out that he keeps tabs on me via my blog. Hi, Uncle Doug!!'s late. I'm going to bed. G'nite!!