Well, I got home about 1:30 last night. It was such a loooong few days, and packed with stuff. I had a really good time, though. I think the interviews went well, but I'm not going to try and make a call one way or the other about whether or not I got the job. I am praying that the Lord will give the people at the school wisdom and direction.
On Saturday, I got to visit Washington, D.C. That was lots and lots of fun....and lots and lots of hot! I got to go with three teachers from the school:
Trudy -- 4th grade teacher (she's the one i'm staying with)
Tammy -- Middle School English (how fun!!!)
Brian -- Middle School History (he's the new guy....)
It was sooo much fun to spend some time with other Christian "young people" who are all in the same age group. Yay!! How refreshing. Plus, I got to do something I've never done before, and have wanted to do for quite a while. What we saw today was just a drop in the bucket, but hey....ya have to start somewhere. Here's what we did:
Arlington National Cemetary -- and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which was my favorite part of the whole day
Natural History Museum
Smithsonian Art Museum
Capital Building, and we got to watch some Representatives debating an ammendment to some bill. That was pretty cool!!
It sounds like a really neat school. I love how all the teachers got together to take you out (and have you stay at their house). That would never happen in a public school. I think you could have a lot of fun working there!
I loved visiting DC, There is so much to see. WhenI worked in the Christain school I went on two class trips to DC, We had so much fun. We also took each of our exchange students to DC, We wanted them to see our Nation's Capital. I love being there in the Spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. So Beautiful! I am keeping you in prayer for your job situation. Glad you are home safe.
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