Mark is also leaving on Friday for a job interview in Newport News, VA. If he gets that job and I get the one I'm going for, then we would live about four hours from each other. That may be kinda nice.....at least that's what I think. Don't ask Mark. LOL!!!
I will keep all y'all updated on the status of things. Hopefully, I won't have QUITE as many travel adventures as when I went to Cleveland. But, as long as I get there and back in one piece, it's all good...and don't worry...I'm NOT going in a hot air balloon!
Good luck on your interview. I looked at the school newlsetter and I think it looks like a great school. Sounds like a really good opportunity. I look forward to your report on your return. Hugs
Yeah, an uneventful trip would be good at this point! Can't wait to hear how your interview went.
4 hours :)
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