Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day Off

I love Thursdays. I have Thursdays off. When it's my day off, I get to sleep in. I love sleeping in!! I also usually make dinner for everyone on Thursday. Tonight, it was tacos. I think there were 12 people at my apartment. The BJU students are back, so it was great to hang out with Pat and Jodi (they got engaged this summer!!) and Jeremy and catch up on what happened while they were all home. Matt and Hannah Goodman (I know them through Mark and Krystina) and their son Stephen were here too, and Hannah's sister Lydia. I always forget how much I like Hannah until I see her again, and I always think that I need to get together with her more often. They are really nice people. And, like Hannah told Tiffany tonight.....we are practically related. LOL It's funny when you meet someone who knows someone that you know.....always makes me laugh!!

In other news, I had a whim to make cheesecake brownies today....Thursday is also my baking day if I want to bake something. Well, I had a hard time coming up with a recipe that didn't use a brownie mix or a cake mix, but I finally found something I was able to improvise on, and let me tell you -- they turned out SOOOO yummy!! I just posted the recipe on my recipe blog. You definately have to try them!!


Josh -- if you are reading this....I LOVE YOU!!!

1 comment:

Hannah Schaefer said...

Awww, I'm glad you like me! [[hugs]]