.....drumroll please!! I thought y'all might like to know that I have a boyfriend now. Jis name is Joshua Dorn. Now, I know that you are eager to hear all about this wonderful man.
I'll start off with how we met. I was chatting online with some of my friends and he sent me an IM kind of out of the blue. We chatted for several days, and then on July 3rd, we talked on the phone for the first tim. That conversation was three and a half hours long. Seriously - that is one long phone conversation!! Well, we continued talking on the phone during my vacation to Virginia.
When I was driving home from there, we were talking on the phone (we do that A LOT) and I mentioned that I had to stop at Wal-Mart for a few things. So, Josh said "I can go shopping with you if you want." I was amiable to the idea and we met there. I was quite impressed with him. The next night (Monday) he came over and watched a movie with Tiffany and I. We ended up watching The Princess Bride just in case you were wondering.
The next day (Tuesday) was our very first date. Josh took me downtown to Trio's -- it's a nifty pizza and pasta bistro-type restraunt. We really, really liked it there. Then, we walked downtown to Falls Park. It's a really great park, and very very romantical. We sat on a porch swing for a while and talked. We decided that dating would be good for us, so that's what we're doing. He's my boyfriend now. And I couldn't ask for a better man.
So about my Josh....I'm sure you are wanting all of THOSE details too. He's 26 years old, 6' tall and has green eyes. Josh is the teller manager at one of the Wachovia branches here in town. He is a very mature, responsible man. He grew up in Greenwood, SC, which is about an hour from here. He went to a Christian school while he was growing up. Josh has lived in Greenville for about a year or so. He goes to church here, but is not really happy with where he has been going.....so he's going to start going with me. I'm still deciding about where I want to go to church (LOOONG story) so I think we may try out a few together.
Anyways, those are the main details background wise. As a person, he is one of the most phenominal people that I know. He's sweet and funny and kind and very, very considerate of other people. Josh is always a perfect gentleman....I never have to worry about if he is going to try something inappropriate with me, because he just doesn't do that. We always have so much fun together. Ususally, it involves A LOT of talking. We don't really watch a lot of movies and stuff like that because we get bored. We like to go downtown and walk around. Usually, we end up at Fall's Park....it really is a GREAT place to hang out.
So, that's about my Josh. He's a wonderful, wonderful man and I really like him LOTS AND LOTS!!
Awww....Mel!! I'm so happy for you! He sounds like such a great guy!!
Crystal (SCS happy2stamp4ever)
He sounds like a really nice guy! Happy for you! :)
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