So, what have I been up to?? Well, I'm glad you asked!!
For starters, I have been helping my kinda roomie, Stephanie, move out of the apartment. OK. That sounded really bad. But it's not bad. Stephanie and Hugh are getting married on March 1 -- that's one week from Saturday, in case you were wondering. So anyways....Stephanie and Hugh bought a house and we have been moving Stephanie's stuff out of the apartment and into the house. Yesterday was the big push, so now all of her stuff is at the house and she is sleeping on the couch. After a month of sleeping on an air matress on the floor, I'm not going to complain too much. Here is a pic of the happy couple. :o)

AND I joined a church....Morningside Baptist Church. (<--- link if you wanna check it out). I really love it there. Morningside is actually the church I went to when I was here in Greenville during college. ACTUALLY, it is also the church where my dad was ordained to preach. Cool, huh??? There are even people there that I've known my entire life. YAY! That makes the church really feel like home.
I've also made friends with some BJU students....and they have been hangin' out at my apartment quite a bit. It's having little sisters. Plus, I like to think of it as being a ministry to them. I'll have to post some pics the next time I see them.
OK WELL.....I guess that's it. I will post some pics of my apartment as soon as I get it all straightened up.
Sounds like you've been very busy! That's cool about the church you're going to ... it always is a good thing to have a church you're at home in!
Thanks for the update. Glad you found a great church that you like.
Glad you have felt busy instead of life dragging by during this time of waiting for a job. I too am glad that you already feel at home with your "new" church family -- that is so important when you move somewhere.
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