Sunday, September 30, 2007

Happy Sunday! least I had a happy Sunday. I hope you did to. I REALLY like this church I'm going to be attending...which is a good thing, I suppose. The pastor preached a really good sermon this morning. Then tonight, there was a panel discussion about different standardsd like women wearing pants, what version of the Bible to use, and stuff like that. I met up wih my friend Les at church tonight, and was actually able to meet his dad, Les. After church, quite a few of the singles from church got together at someone's house and just hung out and ordered pizza and stuff. It was really nice, and I made several new friends. YAY for new friends!!


Karis said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed your first Sunday (or was it your second) at Colonial. I love that church so much, and I was so excited to be back there. We have been away for a whole year after being there for six years so what a great reunion when we can make it back. It was good to see you too -- sorry about all the interruptions between Kayla and running into people for hugs and saying hi.

Glad you're willing to get involved in Singles activities from the beginning. That will help your transition so much, and you are going to come to appreciate Tom and Brenda soooo much. Not just as wonderful people, but Tom's teaching is incredible. He not only knows the Word, but he knows how to communicate it in an incredible way! They are fun, but they have so much depth too.

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Glad you could get involved as well. Like Karis said, just get yourself involved and you will make many great friends. The singles do a lot of fun activities so just keep your ear open. This group is so much fun, and the singles group kept me very busy during my single days here in VA. Hope you get settled in quickly.